Video Notes

  • Need an idea for what a program should do
  • Each program will have a specific purpose in mind
  • Developers need to stick take specific steps and stick to a plan
  • Development can be exploratory and see what happen
  • Can start investigating issues and what a program can accomplish
  • Determine requirements of problem
  • Understand constraints of the project(ex. technology, time, money)
  • Take into account user concerns and interests
  • Surveying, testing, interviewing, observations can help individuals determine the program and issues or uses
  • Developers have many ways of brainstorming and planning
  • Storyboard program, plan user experience, layout user interface, organizing into modules, and have a testing strategy
  • Will describe how the program should work and what it will do
  • Developers often create prototypes and use an incremental process
  • Important to test the program(at micro level, at macro level, with user), and reflect on and revise program

  • Program development usually requires input from multiple individuals
  • Big project: Many individuals
  • Components: Smaller groups or individuals
  • Important to credit contributions, names must be written in documentation
  • Often use comments to give credit
  • Giving credit can help find the correct people to fix bugs or issues in the program
  • A program will oftentimes take parts from previous programs, such as code segments, procedures, and algorithms
  • Need to give credit to other individuals, state author name and source
  • Can create a form of a bibliography in documentation

  • Documentation is often created by programmers
  • Documentation: written description of the function of a code segment, event, procedure, or program, and how it was developed
  • Purposes:
  • Describe the program
  • list program requirements and/or specifications
  • describe: methods in code, list of events and other actions, development of the program, how other programs can interact
  • contributions and other authors
  • Documentation happens throughout the program
  • Beginning: list specifications; During: track progress; After: explain process
  • Can help efficiency, program purpose, and response to bugs
  • Documentation is often done through commenting
  • Good commenting helps with individual and group work


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