Git Sociology
“Talk is cheap. Show me the code.” - Linus Torvalds
- The main repository for our project will be the flask repository which we created. We all have access to this project and can push edits to the page. We plan to further customize the page to match the needs of our project.
- We have a .gitignore with files which want to avoid from being committed.
- We have used issues for our own review tickets. We will begin using issues for updating what has been done each week.
- We will make pull requests to help us track the development of the page. We have communicated on changes to the page before, but pull requests will help us make sure we are on the same page and work on the project at the same time.
- Forks and branching can help us be more organized when making changes. We have yet to use forks, but as we develop more of our project, we will use it.
- We have been recently begun managing our issues using a team Scrum Board. This will help us make sure we have all things completed.