Arnav Kanekar’s fastpage for AP CSP.

Features documents related to and not related to CSP and coding.

Feel free to explore the site!

My work for the trimester

Week Hacks Review Ticket
52 Setting up Fastpages, Creating a post, Creating a notebook Ticket
53 Running and utilizing Bash, Python Basics, Adding more Pages to Fastpage and more formatting(ex. Image and docx file) Ticket
54 Python Lists and Dictionaries, HTML Fragments, More on changing the format(ex. theme, dark mode) of the fastpage Ticket
55 Working on AppLab to create a quiz and learn basic Javascript syntax, Getting ready to choose topics for the AP Create Task Ticket
56 Learning about flask local server, downloading Docker, and deploying the fastpage locally for quick edits. Psychology Focus and Habits as well. Ticket
57 Learning about HTML and Javascript formatting. Also started on group final project and using agile methodology. Ticket
58 Using AWS to deploy my Flask Repository. Ticket
59 Learning about Python APIs. Also doing more for our group project. Ticket
60 Sick after Homecoming. Ticket
61 Group project work, as well as learning more about APIs in Javascript. Ticket
62 Group project work. Ticket
63 Finishing up Tri 1 Project, Night at the Museum Ticket
64 Finals week, AP CSP Collegeboard Test Ticket
