Questions I Got Wrong

The questions which I got wrong were 8(Skill 4.A), 11(Skill 4.A), 14(Skill 4.C), 30(Skill 3.C), and 39(Skill 3.A).

Overview of Skills Missed

Skill 3.A - Generalize data sources through variables. Skill 3.C - Explain how abstraction manages complexity. Skill 4.A - Explain how a code segment or program functions. Skill 4.C - Identify and correct errors in algorithms and programs, including error discovery through testing.

Question 8

My Answer: A Correct Answer: B

I thought that the index started at 0, and forgot that the code would not work if j or k were values greater than the length of numList.

Question 11

My Answer: D Correct Answer: B

I did not pay enough attention to the question, and did not notice that the if statement iterates until k is greater than myList. This means that the function will check through all elements.

Question 14

My Answer: A Correct Answer: B

If 7 is run through command, “check” will be displayed. However, 6 also displays “check”, which is incorrect.

Question 30

My Answer: A Correct Answer: B

Using a list makes it easier to apply the same procedure to all the items in the list.

Question 39

My Answer: A Correct Answer: B

Silly mistake, thought question was asking for potential item.


After taking this test, I now know have a better idea of what to focus on when taking multiple choice tests. I should pay a greater amount of attention when answering questions, and always be sure to read the question carefully. Doing this will be able to cut down on some mistakes. I also have to remember the exam will be in psuedo-code, so there may be terms which I need to familiarize myself with. Overall, my score was pretty good(45/50), but by paying more attention and brushing up on a few skills, I can reduce the number of errors which I make.