Notes from the video

  • Stress: a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances
  • Stress is prominent in many places
  • Getting a good thing happen on one day usually does not change our happiness multiple months down the road, so we should try to implement small changes in our life everyday.
  • Just because we know something, it does not mean it will benefit us unless we put it into practice.
  • Need to do different things, like how people do different exercises in the gym.
  • While we need a decent amount of material possessions(money, food, clothing, etc.), at a certain point, having bigger and better does not improve happiness levels.
  • Make social connection
  • Social connection: the feeling that you belong to a group and generally feel close to other people
  • Important to make time to spend with friends and family away from homework.
  • Help others
  • Helping others can help us by making us feel good about ourselves
  • Treat yourself
  • No matter how you treat yourself for accomplishments, you can gain important benefits.
  • Make time for gratitude
  • Show gratitude for your situation and the other people around you who help you.


While many of us strive for better, we should also take a moment to appreciate everything we have. I am very lucky to be in the circumstance which I am in.

  • I am grateful for my family. They help support me in everything which I do, such as drive me to and from events. My parents and sister always help me when I am having a bad day.
  • I am grateful for my teachers. The teachers who I have and have had are great teachers who constantly support my learning. I am very fortunate to be at a school where I can receive quality instruction in any class.
  • I am also grateful for the resources which I am able to get. I am very lucky to be able to have a good computer, live in a good house, have 3 meals a day, and many more things.

My experience with a note of gratitude: I gave my note of gratitude to my mom. She was very happy to receive a note of gratitude, and appreciated it a lot. It felt good to see my mom’s reaction, and it made me see the importance of telling people we are thankful for them.


Goals can help an individual feel a sense of progress. I think goals are great ways to divide up tasks, which can lead to less stress. When creating goals, I like to have more specific goals.

Goals I have:

  • Sleep by 11:00 everyday
  • Practice my instrument for at least 30 minutes each day
  • Work on college applications for at least 30 minutes each day
  • Minimize homework on the weekend(less specific)

Goals can help us feel more organized, even we have a lot on our plate. This will help reduce stress levels in us. Especially with college application season, I think creating a list of small and specific goals related to applications will allow me to be less stressed, feel more in control, and be happier.