Section Grade Comments
3.1-3.2 1/1 did extra binary hacks, reflected about each individual lesson, and completed everything
3.3-3.4 0.95/1 He did the work and showed explanations
3.5-3.7 N/A N/A
3.8, 3.10 0.9/1  
3.9, 3.11 0.9/1 Did all which was asked
3.12-3.13 0.9/1 Completed all requirements with explanations and everything was neat well done
3.14-3.15 1/1 Was extremely diligent in reflection and documentation portion of coding challenge.
3.16 0.95/1 5/6; Really liked your simulation that was added at the end, as well as making it in an effcient way
3.17-3.18 0.9/1 Met all of the requirements, added notes and vocab