Tri 2 Final MC
Reflecting on Tri 2 Final MC
I scored a 44/50 on this test. There were somethings which I was confused upon and I also determined that it is important to be focused while taking the test to cut down on silly mistakes.
Test Corrections
I will go over questions which I was confused on.
Question 5
This question was using flow charts and asking about a company. This company was using a new system for their customer service claims.
- Question: Of the following potential benefits, which is LEAST likely to be provided by the upgraded system?
- Correct Answer: The company will be able to provide a human representative for any incoming call.
- My Answer: Customers are likely to spend less time listening to information not relevant to their issue. My answer was incorrect because the system would allow the customer to talk to the phone and then get directed. The customer would be spending less time listening to irrelevant information for sure. The company would not be able to provide a human rep for every call because they could not give a human rep for calls outside of business hours.
I got this question wrong because I did not pay attention while reading the question.
Question 34
Answer Choices, Correct vs Wrong
- Why my answer was wrong: Instead of rotating right after moving forward twice, I said that the robot would need to move left. I got this answer wrong because I was not paying proper attention. I did not realize the correct path for the robot. I can check my answers and visualize the path of the robot better.
Question 35
I got this question wrong because I was not paying attention to the algorithm created. My wrong answer would select the top score of B if scoreC > scoreB > scoreA.
The correct answer checks every single score of the variables. This makes sure that every variable is checked. So, this will ensure that the correct score will be declared the maximum.
Question 36
I answered that code segment 2 would be the only one to be able to correctly satisfy the algorithm. I did not realize that III would have the same functionality. I did not pay attention and this caused me to get the question incorrect.
Question 49
I did not realize that one of the answer choices had one of the defining characteristics of a simulation. A scenario is a lower cost, safer, and simpler way to test things. The simulation will simplify things in order to be cheaper and run smoothly. Sometimes, they don’t need a lot of observations and the simulation runs well without observations.
Question 50
This question asked for 2 answers for the question. I mixed up the correct answer choices. I got this wrong because I mixed up the linear and non linear speeds. Linear speed is one which runs in a reasonable time.
Based on my performance, I knew that I could’ve done better and scored higher. As we get closer to the AP test, it will be important to lock in and practice having a focused mindset for these collegeboard tests. I know a lot of the information, but I keep on making silly mistakes. It will be important to visualize the paths for things like the robot and pay attention to the answers and remember to apply all of my knowledge. If I practice these skills, I will be able to perform well on the Multiple Choice section of the collegeboard test.