
These are the 6 guidelines outlined in the rubric. A good task will include all of these.

The 6 rows of the rubric are:

  1. Program Purpose and Function: The program must have a good use and function
  2. Data Abstraction: Program should store items in dictionaries or lists
  3. Managing Complexity: Be able to have multiple variables and values defined in order to make the project work
  4. Procedural Abstraction: Potentially creating functions
  5. Algorithm Implementation: Using algorithms
  6. Testing: Be able to show evidence of testing and debugging

Basic Plan

I believe this project would be best done in Javascript or AppLab, since these allow more user interaction than Python does. This is subject to change based on the language which I feel most comfortable with and I feel that will allow me to create the best project.


It is important for me to keep in mind that the games should be creative and I should try to be unique. It might be good to stay away from traditional games.

  • Calendar Planning Games:
  • Hangman
  • Battleship

Things to Learn

  • More experience with languages: Python, Javascript
    • Need to work on more projects and code code code
  • Algorithm implementation: sequencing and selection