AP CSP Vocabulary Terms
List of vocabulary to remember from Units 2 and 3
Unit 2 Binary/Data Terms
- Bits: Smallest unit of computer information. The bit can either be on(1) or off(0).
- Bytes: Unit of computer information. Usually will feature 8 bits
- Hexadecimal / Nibbles: Half of a byte, so this uses only 4 bits
- Binary Numbers: Represent with 0s and 1s
- Unsigned Integer: Does not have a plus or minus indicator in front of the value
- Signed Integer: Has a plus or minus sign in front of a value
- Floating Point: Can be a positive or negative decimal
- Binary Data Abstractions:
- Boolean: Variable which has a value of either True or False
- ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange, encodes data for communication, allows a multitude of symbols to be represented
- Unicode: System used to store and process text data
- RGB: red, green, blue color model, can use data values to represent colors
- Data Compression:
- Lossy: (note discussed yet)
- Lossless: (note discussed yet)
Unit 3 Algorithm/ Programming Terms
- Variables: Stores a value in a data set, there are multiple data types
- Data Types: types of data, include string(letters/words), integers(numbers), boolean(T/F), float(decimals)
- Assignment Operators: operators which assign a variable a value, usually =
- Managing Complexity with Variables:
- Lists
- 2D Lists
- Dictionaries
- Class Algorithms, Sequence, Selection, Iteration Expressions, Comparison Operators, Booleans Expressions and Selection, Booleans Expressions and Iteration, Truth Tables Characters, Strings, Length, Concatenation, Upper, Lower, Traversing Strings Python If, Elif, Else conditionals; Nested Selection Statements Python For, While loops with Range, with List Combining loops with conditionals to Break, Continue Procedural Abstraction, Python Def procedures, Parameters, Return Values