
What is KASM?

KASM is a virtual desktop interface. It uses Docker containers to be able to stream the desktop to a browser site where the user can access it.


Using KASM will allow students to be able to access tools like Visual Studio Code without needing their own personal computer. This would help lower the digital divide and allow students to use school issued chromebooks in APCSP and APCSA.

Relations to Big Idea 4

  • Data compression
  • Data transmission
  • Network Connections
  • Desktop Interfaces

Guide Draft 1

Step 1

  • This step creates a swap partition in order to allocate storage to the KASM workspace
  • This is not necessary for all computers, but will help keep storage cleaner
sudo fallocate -l 4g /mnt/4GiB.swap
sudo chmod 600 /mnt/4GiB.swap
sudo mkswap /mnt/4GiB.swap
sudo swapon /mnt/4GiB.swap

# Verify swap file exists
cat /proc/swaps

# To make the swap file available on boot
echo '/mnt/4GiB.swap swap swap defaults 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

Step 2

Downloading KASM onto a directory

cd /tmp # Rename to directory name
sudo wget #update to current version
tar -xf #update to current version
sudo bash kasm_release/

# If you want/need to change port 443 to something else, you can do that like this:
sudo bash kasm_release/ -L 8084


  • Potentially request team to try hosting their own KASM server(0.6)

Saved Logins

Kasm UI Login Credentials

username: admin@kasm.local

password: ywxPtKTo108K3

username: user@kasm.local

password: ueTFP1BlyA6rn

Kasm Database Credentials

username: kasmapp

password: OHGXbF2nt0jIBwJCmWdB

Kasm Redis Credentials

password: h6DiO5ZTjlnVuJH558GN

Kasm Manager Token

password: X6Ld3pcd8fs3ZIh1vzvo

Kasm Guac Token

password: yyapdGSzrsNBv7K61NYvsl

Service Registration Token

password: 1x9CFN5EkcTpD1hmY4qv

4/18 Updates

I have been hard at work trying to create the kasm guide. This is a challenging task because this is a very new topic for me, but I will remain persistent. I learned about creating partitions on the EC2 instance and found a helpful resource for that. I was also able to do a single server installation of kasm but I am not sure if it works. Here are some pictures denoting my progress. I have come across a curl error which has stumped me so far, but I also have some containers working, so that is a success.

Hack Ideas

Trying to have each group set up a KASM server seems a little much because of the resources we have and the time it would probably take. I think it would be good to have each group go through the guide and answer a few questions about the steps in the guide. I could include questions about partitions and about the container used.

Project Ideas

For the final project, I think it would be good to showcase using KASM and being able to have our group's work run on a site through the kasm environment. This would show functionality of kasm and would help ensure the quality project.

from PIL import Image
k1 ='../images/kwork1.png')
k2 ='../images/kwork2.png')
